The Land Hermit Crab Owners Society celebrates its 20th anniversary on August 8, 2019. That, of course, means we are having a giveaway! 1. Draw/Paint/Write/Sculpt what LHCOS means to you 2.Email your entry (or a picture of it) to crabstreetjournal+LH***@gm***.com 3.  All  will entries be published on the website 4.  The giveaway is open to all – anyone under 18 must have parental permission to collect the prize 5. One entry per person 6. Entries are due August 31, 2019 Midnight CST 7. Winner will be drawn at random from all entries The prize will be a Crab Con 2019 T-shirt, a LHCOS 20thRead More →

I’m honestly not even sure where to begin. Was Crab Con a success? Yes! Was it fun and amazing? Yes! Will we do it again? Yes! Most of my emotions leading up to the event were doubt, anxiety and excitement all mixed together. Today, I am proud, heartfull, thankful, amazed, impressed and inspired. More than once on Saturday I started to tear up, I was just so happy. For me, this event could not have happened without a lot of support from a lot of people. I am so very thankful for: My momma for being my helper, my product bagger and my pet sitter. MyRead More →