LHCOS is happy to announce our newest Local Representatives!
Tammy and Joe – Tennessee – Stacy is very excited to hand over the Tennessee Show Me Exotics and Reptile shows to Tammy and Joe in 2023!
Christina – Pennsylvania
Christina writes
Hello everyone, my name is Christina Dailey. I am a 44 year old indigenous woman. wife , mother, and grandmother. I live in Genesee PA. I enjoy the outdoors and crafts and helping families and children learn. My hermit crab journey started when my daughter was little, for the most part we didn’t know much about there care or what was actually going on with these wonderful critters. Since then I have come to try again a year ago with two of my own ,witch now became 14 lol. I have worked very hard at studying every thing needed to care for my crabby kids and have learned a great deal from my mentor Jeanne Singhass and the rest of the team and I know I will learn more as I go. I have a group called crazy crab kids and also a few other things. With my knowledge I have now I will continue to advocate and educate and teach families and there children how to care for these wonderful pets in the future , hoping some day to change just one way of how there treated. It starts with lhcos, and csj and all the rest of the team , so let’s do this together!! Thank you for allowing me to be a part of the change!!!
Joe & Tammy Lambert write
We are so excited to be local representatives of LHCOS in Tennessee.
We started like so many, with a purchase of a hermit crab on vacation. Let’s make that, hermit crabs. Hermie and Ron.
Every year we visit Tybee Island, and every year Joe asks for a hermit crab, then one year I said yes. After his purchase, he started to research how to care for a hermit crab, the only information he had was the little 2X2 care sheet that came in the “hermit crab starter kit”. Within a few days he had purchased a second hermit crab and made many trips to the local pet store to buy the correct supplies needed. Once we arrived home, Joe set up a crabitat for his two new additions. And from there down the “crab” hole we went.
We currently have the Happy Hermie Hostel, we adopt, rescue and foster hermit crabs.
In addition Tammy is on the LHCOS Adoption Team.