It has been brought to our attention that a sudden influx of new businesses are attempting to subvert the LHCOS Approved Seller process. In some cases, these new businesses are closely copying Approved Seller’s products and selling them as their own, while claiming that anyone can do research and make safe products. This is undeniably true. Anyone CAN do research and make safe products, but not everyone does. Just think about every pet store product marketed to Hermit Crabs. To the untrained eye, these products seem safe–they have a brightly colored hermit crab on the packaging and are sold through the pet industry–but decades ofRead More →

The Land Hermit Crab Owners Society is pleased to introduce you to the Approved Seller program committee. The committee will oversee all aspects of the Approved Seller program and will report to the LHCOS Board of Directors. Co-Chairman – Meredith Hass Co-Chairman – Evie Spencer Committee Members: The committee has a new email address as well: ap*************@lh***.orgRead More →

๐ŸŒ๐Ÿฆ€ Happy International Biodiversity Day! Today, let’s shine a spotlight on some of the smaller, often overlooked members of our ecosystem: land hermit crabs. ๐ŸŒฟ๐Ÿš Hermit crabs play a unique role in our coastal ecosystems. These fascinating creatures rely on empty seashells for their homes, providing a perfect example of natureโ€™s recycling system. However, their survival is becoming increasingly difficult due to human activities and environmental changes. ๐Ÿšฏ Many hermit crabs are facing deadly obstacles as they mistake plastic debris for potential homes. Tragically, these innocent searches often end with them being trapped in plastic bottles and unable to escape. Additionally, the rising shortage ofRead More →